Without social media distractions, I focused on life in the now and loved it. But there are things I miss, but I’m not sure if I can go back.
Best Road Trip Apps for Successful Family Adventures
Hit the highway with the family only after you get the best road trip apps to keep kids and parents happy. Map, music, hotel, packing apps.
Uber Car Seat Offers Ride Option for Families Traveling in NYC
Car-service app Uber offers a car seat option! It can help families get around NYC and other major cities with a small child in tow.
Apps for New Parents Make Raising Baby Easier on You, the Kid
As a self-proclaimed early adopter and technology geek, one of my first moves when I learned my wife was pregnant […]
New iPhone App for Parents – Cry Translator
I remember reading a few parenting books when my son was a couple of months old. They described how your […]