By the time you read this, I’ll be at the two-minute warning before our baby girl arrives. Unless, of course, she decides to arrive early to help with our Christmas shopping.
Either way, it’s getting really real.
To use another sports analogy, we’re just waiting for game time to arrive. In the NFL, for example, teams spend an entire week preparing their game plan for what’s to come following that opening kickoff. The good teams make sure every “I” is dotted and every “T” is crossed so that when Sunday comes, they’re in the best possible position to be successful when they take the field.
As I count down the days until my wife’s due date, I’m finally locked in and in full preparation mode. I’m going over all the Xs and Os to make sure this next chapter of fatherhood will be a winning one.
The nursery is almost done. The old infant car seat that was collecting dust in the basement has been cleaned out. The clothes we’ve been given by friends have been sorted. After months of feeling less than prepared and not enthusiastic about becoming a dad two times over, I can finally say I’m all in. I can’t wait to meet her.
Ready for more as clock ticks
With the anticipation, excitement and nervousness that comes with preparing for a second child also comes the realization that going from a dad of one to a dad of two is life-changing. Yes, becoming a first-time parent was a huge adjustment, but now adding everything you’ve experienced times two?! That’s another level.
I’ve had to learn how to be a more patient person as a father of one. It’s being tested more than ever now that my son is becoming a “threenager” and going through his tantrum phase. And just as I’m finally finding my rhythm and figuring out how to properly put my patience into practice, I have to add another layer to deal with what comes with a newborn.
A newborn that will cost, I might add.
Two kids will be life-changing when it comes to money as well. Being a parent has forced me to monitor my finances more than ever. I’ve had to really focus on my spending habits and be aware of everything that comes in and out of our accounts. It’s something that I’ve always kept an eye on, but with the responsibility of providing the best possible life for two kids now, making sure my wife and I are being smart with our finances is something that will be magnified even more from this point on. I’m soliciting all your thoughts and prayers.
But like teams that rely on their hours of preparation to be successful, I’m going into this chapter of fatherhood confident. I’m sure the lessons I’ve learned over the past three years and the counsel I’ve sought from my friends who are girl dads have me ready to be the best dad to my daughter that I can be. The preparation will meet the opportunity very soon, and I’ll be ready when the game time arrives.
Game time photo: ©AMR Studio / Adobe Stock.
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