Teach your child to call 911 when police, fire and/or medical personnel are needed quickly because of an emergency.
Fatherhood Story Needs to Be Told in New Way
Lazy. Distant. Incompetent. That story of fatherhood is so yesterday. Today’s dads need more real-life examples of good fatherhood.
Parenting Partnership Always Better Than Battle of the Sexes
Rather than revert to gender role stereotypes, true success and happiness in raising children comes from forming a parenting partnership.
Prepare for Life’s Worst so Your Kids Have It Best
As parents approach midlife, they need to make sure they prepare themselves and their families for life-altering events.
Miscarriages Have Powerful Effect on Men as Well as Women
I often get asked about the huge age difference between my kids. I say simply, “Timing was right.” The truth: we had several miscarriages.
Teens Filing Taxes: Teaching Moment or Waste of Time?
Since each of my teens started working, I have told them not to file taxes. Have I/they been doing the right thing?