Everyone tells me raising a boy is easier for a father. Then why are men’s mental health issues as prevalent as they are today?
Hubris: Parents Must Avoid It to Raise Good, Healthy Children
Avoiding hubris keeps us parents hungry, innovative, humble, and focused on our clients. Uh, we mean, kids.
Resistant Eater Makes Meals a Challenge for These Parents
A resistant eater is more extreme than a picky eater. One family shares tips and strategies for working with their food hesitant daughter.
Pregnancy Scare Makes Appreciation of Small Things Grow
Surgery for an appendicitis puts a pregnancy in jeopardy. “Don’t panic,” her husband repeats to himself, over and over.
Silliness Helps Reset the Most Difficult Parenting Days
I get down, just like anyone. But by using resets and silliness, I’m able to turn my days and my kids’ days around.
‘Fathering Together’ Book Sees Dads as Servant Leaders
Fathering Together’s, anew book by Brian Anderson, applies a successful business philosophy to being a father.