Siblings are one thing; brothers, that’s a whole different, deeper bond. It’s potential best friend and biggest rival for life.
Complain about Work as a Stay-at-Home Parent? Really? Really.
This househusband seeks no pedestal. I only wish to be your equal. So I also need to occasionally bitch about my job and crazy coworkers.
Dad Conference Made This At-Home Father Better Man
As an at-home father, I was on an island. Then I found the National At-Home Dad Network and its annual fatherhood conference.
Threaten Daughter’s Dates Less, Dad; Teach Her More
I’m teaching my sons and daughter to respect others, so don’t be a jerk and act like a tough guy when my boys come around your girls.
Stress Transfers Too Easily from Parents to Young Children
You might be the cause of the stress your child is feeling. Kids often pick up on the worries of mom and dad. Here’s how to handle it.
What Cancer Can Teach My Young Son about Life
I attended my brother’s funeral recently. Cancer took him, just as it’s taken other members of my family and just like it tried to take me.