The conversation started over breakfast, a thread to a tangent passed with pepper and more coffee. It stuck like syrup […]
Best Friendships Span Great Distances, Expenses, Cold
The best friendships, for children and their parents, are worth traveling half a world away for. The air miles are a nice bonus.
Halloween Treats Parents to New Tricks as Our Kids Age
What happens when kids seem to lose interest in Halloween as they grow older? It’s a scary reality check to one parent.
Fatherhood Learned Through a Lifetime of Dad’s Presence
Fatherhood isn’t just something my dad did. It is something he taught me and we do together regardless of the miles between us.
Friendships Difficult to Keep Fresh for Busy Fathers
I met a friend for coffee the other day. It’s something we try to do on a regular basis, which, […]
Life in America: Active Shooters, Escape Plans and Lockdowns
Life in America is not needing to explain to our kids what is meant by an active shooter or being in lockdown. It is a child’s quick, “I know.”