A word of warning: no matter how good the potty-training books are, you’re sure to hit some bumps in the road along the way. Practice patience.
Vegas Dads Rally to Assist National Diaper Bank Network Mission
Our Las Vegas Dads helped parents having problem affording diapers with a generous donation of Huggies to the National Diaper Bank.
This is Your Brain When Dealing with Toddlers
Forgetful? Stressed? At a loss for words. You must have little children and they are giving you a severe case of Toddler Brain.
Preschool Days Begin as do Blues for At-Home Parent
Granted, preschool is only three hours a day, twice a week, but still — another step toward full-blown adulthood that is scary and exciting.
Baby Shower Gift Ideas Any Expectant Parent Will Hate
Baby Shower Gift 4: Belly Casting — In which mother gets a plaster cast made of her big belly and breasts. Perfect for serving chips and TWO kinds of dip.
Parent at a Cocktail Party Sticks Out Like a Smelly Diaper
No longer used to having a conversation with people who don’t have young children? Let us help you avoid those people at your next social gathering.