As a working parent lucky enough to work from home, I feel guilty that my children get a quantity of my time but not the quality of it.
work-life balance
Working Parent Experiences Blues, Regret, Great Relief
Being a working parent is a necessary evil for me. It just sucks that from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., I miss my son’s life, right when it’s getting interesting.
‘All In’ for Paternity Leave: Josh Levs Makes Persuasive Case
“All In” is a reasoned argument for why paid leave should be available to all fathers, It also offers ideas and commentary for every dad.
‘Benchwarmer’ by Josh Wilker Failing at Sports, Maybe Fatherhood
He turns this into a unique tale of his first year of daddying in the form of an A-to-Z sports almanac, using entries about the famous, infamous and oddities of the games we love to relate to his trials and tribulations of parenting.
How to Succeed at the Business of Being a Working Dad
Behson does not lecture at you. He weaves personal anecdotes with those of other dads, research and worksheets that truly illuminate the challenges and resources of being a working dad.
Josh Levs ‘All In’ for Better Work Policies for Dads
We interview CNN reporter Josh Levs about the changing roles of dads at home and in the workplace that led to his new book “All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families, and Businesses Alike – And How We Can Fix It Together.”