We spend our lives looking, chasing, and seeking. For what? For understanding, for knowledge, for joy, for wisdom. Sometimes, it’s right in front of us.
Fatherhood Learned Through a Lifetime of Dad’s Presence
Fatherhood isn’t just something my dad did. It is something he taught me and we do together regardless of the miles between us.
Caring for Aging Parents While Still Parenting a Challenge
You must exercise a different patience with aging parents than you do with your kids. It requires a special grace you must find deep inside.
Modern Dads Need Respect, Responsibility to Do Best Parenting
Modern dads embrace fatherhood like no other generation has. Let today’s fathers fully embrace the parenting experience.
‘Dad Guilt’ Adds to Pressure on Today’s Active Fathers
When dad is the primary caretaker of the children, taking a break from them – no matter how warranted – creates feelings of guilt in him.
New Generation Deserves More Than Your ‘Weak’ Putdowns
A dad challenges the notion that a new generation is always softer than the previous one, and that the good ol’ days were always better.