Don’t instinctively chastise a child without the facts. A new book says your first thought should consider the child’s best intentions
Report Cards, Grades Not Easy for Today’s Kids to Fake
Handwritten report cards made it easy for us to ‘improve’ a grade in our day. Now kids’ every assignment and score is online.
Bullying Problem Not Easily Solved, But Start With Empathy
At one time I would have tried to stop this bullying with harsh words and actions. But the world has progressed, and I’ve grown up.
Parenting Styles Influenced for Better, Worse by Experience
As a new dad, I’m learning parenting styles through the lens of fatherhood now while relating to what it’s like to be a son.
Positive Discipline Technique Allows You to be Kind Yet Firm with Teens
Positive discipline instills long-term lessons and life skills in children without verbal, physical or psychological punishments.
Best Parenting Moments Can Still Define Us, Even at Our Worst
Our best parenting moments and worst ones are threads in the same tapestry, weaved into something beautiful because of its imperfections.