What will parents of the next generation think is crazy that we did as parents?
You know, in the same way that I can’t believe I never wore a seatbelt when I was a kid? And not only did I not wear a seatbelt, on long car trips, I would sit on the floorboards of the backseat for fun.
I also rode in cars with people who smoked … with the windows up. I mean, seriously — come on! What the hell? Windows up? I remember on more than one occasion, running to the store and buying cigarettes for my grandpa. At the time, I was 6.
I don’t see future moms and dads reversing some parenting trends. Such as them suddenly caring less about their kids wearing bike helmets. Certain things will always keep trending in a safer, more bubble-wrapped direction.
Still, future parents will be saying the same things about our parenting, I have no doubt. But what will the complaints be?
So long, sunscreen … and other fading parenting trends
Screen time and technology will likely play a HUGE role in all of it. Will parents in the year 2030 be appalled we let our kids use iPads as a way of distraction while sitting in a restaurant or in the doctor’s office waiting room?
What about playgrounds? I’m picturing playgrounds of the future having nothing higher than about three feet off the ground. No more swings and slides either, those — like the now almost extinct seesaw — are much too dangerous.
This summer, I heard of people concerned about the safety of sunscreen. Maybe future generations will think we were crazy for slathering our kids up before they went to the pool. Who knows, maybe in 15 years, simply avoiding the sun is the only answer to not getting a sunburn.
I could see the potential for kids being in car seats until a later and later age. My question is, how do you stuff a 12-year-old into a rear-facing car seat?
Smoking is already in way fewer places than it was 30 years ago, my guess is, in another 15 years, there will be very few places people are allowed to smoke or vape. I’m thinking a smoker will only be allowed to smoke in his or her home and car.
Food. Food will likely be out of control. Half of each grocery store will likely be food designed, marketed and created just for kids. Not one of the items will have artificial ingredients or contain nuts either.
Ultimately, who knows what the future will hold in terms of parenting trends? In the end, as long as parents are hugging their kids, talking to them, reading to them and, in general, treating them right, I suppose all the other stuff ultimately doesn’t matter so much.
A version of this first appeared on Indy’s Child. Photo: © Gutu / Adobe Stock.
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