When couples have kids, they lose old friends. Gay and lesbian parents may feel the effect of broken friendships even more acutely.
Hersheypark: It’s 11 Best Kept Secrets + Win Tickets
Thinking of hitting Hersheypark with the family? Here’s the ultimate guide to the best it has to offer for fun, food and lodging.
Kids Watching the News – Will It Help or Harm Them?
He once thought stopping kids from watching or hearing TV news sheltered them from reality. Then he became a father.
Orlando Nightclub Shooting Brings Terror Home for Gay Father
My daughter sees the Orlando shooting as gay people who love their community and dancing being heartlessly killed. She makes the connection to me.
Swim Lessons Teach Daughter, Dad to Navigate ‘Big Blue World’
A young Black girl with autism improves her odds with swim lessons while her dad embraces a new chapter in his parenting story.
Fatherhood Learned Through a Lifetime of Dad’s Presence
Fatherhood isn’t just something my dad did. It is something he taught me and we do together regardless of the miles between us.