The newborn in his care only wants her mom. A stay-at-home dad tries cutting the cord to her then realizes he needs a better approach.
at-home parenting
Media Saturation and How to Combat It in Your Family
The 24/7 news cycle and social media create media saturation that induces stress and anxiety in all. A new book offers families help.
Pressure of Parenting Best Relieved With These Easy Steps
Being an at-home parent is a 24/7 job. When you feel the pressure, seek quiet moments, find openings, ask for help.
Find Your Tribe To Discover Your Best Parenting Self
Being a new at-home parent can be lonely at times, so find your tribe of friends and peers for support and success.
‘The Ultimate Stay-at-Home Dad’ Essential Reading For Better Parenting
Shannon Carpenter offers an informative, funny, and alternatingly sweet and salty book debut with “The Ultimate Stay-at-Home Dad.”
‘Bluey’ Dad No Dog When It Comes To Good Parenting
Bandit Heeler, the stay-at-home dad, in Bluey is a role model for fathers in how to manage parenting two small, imaginative children.