Bucket Head involves me putting a plastic bucket over one of my kids’ head and then using it for a drum. It is elegant in its simplicity.
10 Things Moms Don’t Do as Well as Dads
We offer up these 10 solely to boost the self-esteem of those dads out there who so often feel like the lesser parent. Let the healing begin.
Father’s Day: This Dad Eats It Up
I’ve earned a day in celebration of my fatherhood. I just want breakfast, a clean house, and a sixer of Newcastle. The kids can use the fake IDs I got them for their birthdays to buy it.
‘Power Dads’ Advice a Blast From Past
“Power Dads” by Wayne Parker offers well-organized, well-worn parenting advice but relies on ancient, archetypal, self-help book tropes.
“He Stole My Nuggets” and Other Lunchtime Funtime
One of the best things parents can do for their kids at school is to be a presence. And for that, you have to be present. So last week I made a visit.
Death or Santa Claus
My daughter believes in the Fat Guy with genius Elven slaves and a sleigh powered by reindeer farts but not the afterlife.