He’s wailing and crying, then yelling, “I need Mom. You are the worst dad ever!” I gather him in my arms to comfort him and he starts kicking me.
‘Gator Dad’ a Stay-at-Home Reptile’s Tale
Gator Dad, a new picture book by author/illustrator Brian Lies, is a delightful book about an involved dad who happens to be an alligator.
“Parent Hacks” Book: If MacGyver was a Father
Many tips in Asha Dornfest’s ‘Parent Hacks’ book are for parents of children under age 5, but there’s still many great shortcuts those with older children.
In Praise of the 5-Point Harness Car Seat
To mark national Child Passenger Safety Week, we asked our dads for a story about how a car seat saved their child from harm in a car accident. What follows is Chicago (and former NYC) Dads Group member Adam Gertsacov’s tale.
Is that Movie Age Appropriate for My Child?
Why would a normally reasonable parent let their younger kid see something that’s not really inappropriate? Movie Age Appropriate resources.
Mom’s Love for Him was as Simple as 1-4-3
My mom loved to think outside the box. And she loved to be enigmatic and creative.