The January/February issue of The Atlantic magazine has an interesting piece called “The Daddy Track” that discusses how places with […]
work-life balance
At-Home Dads are More than Nannies and Maids
The recent New York Times article “Wall Street Mothers, Stay-Home Fathers” focused on the shift in traditional parenting roles, highlighting […]
Sorry, Honey – Time Magazine Thinks I Embarrass You
Being a stay-at-home dad and taking care of the kids is embarrassing to a working wife. And I also thought that chicks dug me.
While I Was Gone
One Friday morning a few weeks ago, I dropped my two boys at school […]
MLB Policies and Branding Encourage Active Fatherhood
If you are paying attention to such things, you’ve noticed that more and more professional athletes are proudly doing something […]
Esquire Magazine Wrong: Dads Can Have It All
NYC Dads Group member Satyan Sharma reacts to a recent Esquire magazine article on the difficulty of modern fathers successfully “having it all” – careers and families.