Twice divorced, this dad wants his sons to be able re-imagine themselves endlessly, to move through life lovingly and with love, in whatever form.
When My Child Becomes Our Child
That’s a funny thing about the human heart. No matter how full of love it is, there is always room for more. A stepfather enters my daughter’s life.
Coming Out Openly, Honestly and No Longer Alone
My father wasn’t mourning something he’d lost when I came out to him. He was mourning that my life as a gay man would be one of solitude and isolation.
Date Night is Important Break, Ritual for Parents, Old and New
Before our daughter was born, my wife and I were consistent about hiring a babysitter at least once a week for a date night.
Same-Sex Marriage: This Kid is All Right with It
Same-sex marriage has been the legal in NYC for while, but it’s nice to see my kids live in world where prejudice is not the norm.
Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Praised by Our Dads
Some of our contributors to weigh in on U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex marriage is legal.