I have been on board with the idea that no one is born prejudiced. But yesterday I saw it in action.
My daughter saw my brother taking his kids to buy some formal wear. She learned it was for a wedding. Being a little girl who loves princesses, royal weddings and so on, she was very excited. She asked about the bride.
My brother informed her that there was no bride.
She looked at him side-eyed.
He said two boys or two girls or a boy and a girl could get married.
She said, of course they can. We have told her about marriage equality when she has had questions recently. Especially seeing all the rainbows on our Facebook pages. I think she had never heard about two men getting married in real life.
Then she went on to ask her aunt if she was going to wear a dress. Then jumped back on her scooter.
Sure we live in New York where same-sex marriage has been the legal for quite a while now. But it’s nice to see that my kids live in world where prejudice is unusual, not the norm.
A version of this originally appeared on Great Moments in Bad Parenting. Same-Sex Marriage photo: PublicDomainPictures.net
What a cute story! Thanks for sharing.