Earlier this week, we posted a bit about social proof and how it relates to the number of at-home dads in the U.S.
Well, this picture is “social proof” that dads spending quality time with their kids during the day is happening more frequently in NYC. Nice to see this crew of dads on the street corner on their way to a playground.
Finally, I would like to share that I am no longer the only at-home dad on my floor of our residential apartment building. That’s right, there is another stay-at-home dad right down the hall. Huge props to Adam!
Matt does a good job, in his review, below, of covering why I think there has been resistance to acknowledging change. I’ll just add that the publication of my book was held up for more than a year because the first editorial review board just said, flat out, “nothing has changed.”
Always gives you a warm feeling, to be told either that you don’t exist or that you are not “statistically significant.”