UPDATE: We’re very sad to report that Andrew Aidan Legar has passed. His story will forever live in our hearts and we send our love and condolences to Roi, Michelle and the rest of the Legar family. Please consider a donation to this family as they recover from this tragedy and try to put their lives back together. See link below.
Sad News and a Call to Action
Every now and then, there are moments when a community needs to come together to help an individual and his family. The NYC Dads Group is big, and most of us don’t know each other, but the one thing we have in common is the deep love we have for our family.
We are sad to report that one of or active members and bloggers, Roi Legar, just received news that doctors have run out of options in the treatment of his son’s brain tumor, and Andrew Aidan only has a few weeks or months to live.
Roi and his wife Michelle have both taken leave from their jobs to spend Andrew’s last weeks together as a family. As you can imagine, this plus mounting costs is causing a financial strain on the family. Friends of the family have set up a way to donate to the family, and we hope you will consider a little or a lot to help one of our own.
Please go to www.andrewlegar.blogspot.com to donate.
Give your children a little bit tighter hug this afternoon,
Matt and Lance
I just went on this father’s blog page and am so saddened. My heart goes out to the family and they and Andrew Aidan will be in my prayers. Giving my child a bit of a tighter hug, for sure.