I had the opportunity to watch the latest stomach churning horror story of a documentary about the food industry – Food, Inc. The worst part about this film is that I keep thinking about it as I inhale a hamburger, eat a chicken sandwich, or take a bite of steak.
The allure of Food, Inc. is that it lifts the curtain on the ‘dark’ side of the food industry – how it is mainly controlled (monopolized) by only a handful of companies & that their main goal is PROFIT – not treating their workers, the animals, or our environment with respect. It was not surprising that the four companies that control 80% of the beef and pork products declined to comment for this movie. Are they hiding something or did they think it was a waste of their time?
Food, Inc. reveals the ugly truths on how the food industry is able to do everything “faster, fatter, bigger, and cheaper.” Did you ever wonder how the white meat chicken breasts you eat are so large? Did you ever wonder why so many cows are fed corn instead of grass (the food they are naturally supposed to eat)? Why are all of the tomatoes in the supermarket perfectly colored? Don’t waste your time with this documentary if you don’t care about the answers to these questions. However, if you want to know the truth & watch this film, you may not want to eat some of your favorite foods again.
From a parents perspective, the film mentions how we should be more focused on the school lunch systems as well as raise awareness of what our children (and ourselves) are putting into our bodies on a regular basis. The reality…to eat well usually costs more money than to eat poorly. Look at all of the $1 menu items at your local fast food joint. When is your local farmers market going to come out with their version of a $1 menu? Overall, this film moved a bit too slow for my taste, but I enjoyed the compelling story that it tells!
I would enjoy hearing some thoughts from people who have seen or are planning to see Food, Inc.
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