A favorite family artifact or art project from childhood can help brothers and sisters stay close during heat of sibling rivalry.
Comparisons Between Children No. 1 Parenting Mistake to Avoid Making
Comparing our children to anyone but themselves implies judgement and distracts us from the here and now. Avoid comparisons and live in the here and now.
Parental Growth Chart Would Celebrate Milestones in Maturity, Wisdom
A growth chart for parents might help us understand — or at least tolerate — other parents who annoy us. For example, the ones who criticize other parents harshly just need to work on decreasing their “judgemental” percentile.
College Search Tips for Helping You, Your High Schooler Find the Right ‘Fit’
Looking for a college can be quite stressful for families. Here are five big-picture college search tips to help you and your children keep perspective and find the right “fit.”
Have You Become Your Mother (or Father)? A Spring Break Tornado Story
At certain times, we all tend to “become” our father or mother. For the author, a tornado temporarily turned him into a helicopter parent like his mother.
Raising Teen Daughters, Defining Boundaries in the #MeToo Era
The ability for children to learn to establish and maintain self-boundaries is crucial, and more evident than ever, as #MeToo sheds light on violations.