The low-tech pleasure a free “little library” in your neighborhood offers children might leave them with great memories and a lifetime love of reading.
First Job for Teens Brings Big Benefits Beyond Paycheck
A first job has many good byproducts for teens beyond financial: self-confidence, communication skills, and respect for authority among many.
Fathers Celebrated for Mountains of Worthwhile Life Advice
Fathers offer lots of advice to their kids, and a group of childhood friends recall lessons from their dads and for new generations.
Parent-by-Numbers: How to Develop Family Tech-Life Balance
Is your family obsessed with video games, tracking their steps or binge watching? Here’s some tips to help you achieve a tech-life balance for all.
Family Bloopers Should Be Savored, Preserved for Later
We all make mistakes as parents but family bloopers from a child’s early years can provide laughter and lessons many years later.
Validate Teen Girls’ Views Even When You’re Not Seeing Eye to Eye
New book: Actively empathizing with our teen daughters’ distress is not only effective, it’s also far superior to the alternative of offering reassurance.