Last month, we attended the Dad 2.0 Summit and met some of the wonderful dad bloggers from across America that we admire, value, and respect. This community of dads is a powerful bunch and we have something to prove. We know dads can be competent, nurturing, and as involved as mothers when it comes to parenting. Unfortunately, quite often, the media does not typically allow us the opportunity to demonstrate our positive skill set and portrays us as “boobs.”
Our aim is to lead by example and collectively try to shatter some of those stereotypes.
Out of the Dad 2.0 Summit, an idea was hatched by our friend David Wescott: “Using this growing community of online dads to see how many of them would want to engage in a good ol’ fashioned blog meme I’m calling #DadsLove.” The Goal: to try to get at least one father in each of the 50 US states (plus DC and Puerto Rico) to write a simple blog post that describes three things they love about being a father.
We love the concept and decided to join the conversation. We asked a few active members of our NYC Dads Group Community to contribute. Here’s a #DadsLove list from New York!
Exposure to Diversity
Be a Positive Role Model
Being Around
– Edward Yau of &
I have to say that for me, the absolute best thing about being a dad is the interaction with my son. He’s 3.5 now, and really starting to explore the world, and tell jokes, and try to figure out how to get lava out of volcanoes and why they built the pyramids and what if a dog were a horse– He consistently reminds me that life is an adventure and a mystery and really really fun. (he also consistently reminds me that children are stubborn and willful and not good at compromise or listening to reason… but that’s a different comment! :O)