I could tell there was something not right with him. Should I wait for the sitter? Rush him to the Pediatric Emergency Room?
work-life balance
5 Ways Teaching is Like Parenting (and Vice Versa)
When summer break officially ended for me, a teacher, and my kids a few weeks ago, it got me thinking about the similarities and differences between teaching and parenting.
Neverland a State of Mind Parents Should Strive to Keep Alive
My mother impressed upon me at an early age to not be in a hurry to grow up because once you are grown up – you’re out of Neverland for good.
City Dads Group Launched as Founders Head to White House Summit
We are proud to announce the official launch of that national network and its website under the banner of City Dads Group.
Ballplayer Doing His Job by Taking Paternity Leave
NY Met Daniel Murphy was torn to shreds this week by hometown sports radio for taking advantage of MLB’s paltry paternity leave benefit.
Lonely at the Top
Years ago I was in charge of the history section of a Barnes and Noble. Part of my responsibilities included […]