Reading print books helps with life skills such controlling impulses, paying attention, setting goals and figuring out how to achieve them.
Jenga Game an Adapt Metaphor for Handling for Pandemic Schooling
Like in Jenga, we must learn from our COVID schooling mistakes so we can repair this fragile tower and rebuild it better.
Homeschooling Schedule Issues: Too Ambitious vs. Too Lenient
Teaching school at home is new for most families, and creating a schedule that balances work and life is hard for kids and parents.
Homeschooling Tips, Advice from Father Who Has Done it Before
No idea how to start homeschooling during these times? We have lots of advice and resources from a parent who has taught four kids at home.
Teamwork is Essential Skill Parents Need to Teach, Practice
Teach your children the value of teamwork and all the aspects that go into it and you will give them a gift for sports, work and life.
Turn ‘Disorders’ into Gifts that Create Stronger Children, Parents
Father Jonathan “J.O.” Oliver uses dyslexia and ADHD coping strategies to be more present, teach children about disorders can be gifts in life.