City Dads in the News
City Dads Group is committed to advancing the conversation about modern fatherhood. We highlight the importance of fathers being involved in their children’s lives and how today’s at-home dads and working fathers shatter stereotypes and misconceptions.
As one of the largest organized communities of dads in the United States, we are frequently featured in local and national media.
As Seen In

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Email: info@citydadsgroup.com
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Featured Press

Survival tips for different types of dads on Father’s Day
Good Morning America, (Jun 2019)

Meet the Modern Dad: Hands-on and clued-in
Chicago Tribune (Jun 2016)

Will COVID-19 accelerate stay-at-home dad trend
CNBC (May 2021)

A Father’s Place
The Economist (May 2015)

Team Dad: Local fathers find support from other areas
CBS58 – Milwaukee (June 2020)

Working to build a community of dads
Providence (RI) Journal (July 2017)

More American men clamor for paternity leave
MarketWatch (Jul 2019)

Building Community for Orlando Dads
The Orlando Life (Feb 2020)

How to Handle Separation Anxiety Meltdowns in Kids
New York Times (Aug 2020)
- The importance of being a father, Spectrum News 1 – Ohio (Jun 2024)
- Tacoma Dads Group with Sean Laecy, MovetoTacoma.com (Jun 2024)
- Meet the parenting group bringing fathers together across NYC, WCBS Ch 2 (Jun 2024)
- Miami Dads Group Community Diaper Drive, NBC 6 South Florida (Jun 2024)
- At-Home Dad to Super Dad, Raising Arizona Kids (Jun 2024)
- From Idea to Impact: The Cincinnati Dads Group, Cincy Lifestyle (Jun 2024)
- Find your village as a new parent and create a support network, New York Post (Mar 2024)
- New dad? Overwhelmed? Clueless? Mark these wise words, New York Post (Mar 2024)
- Men are lonely, The LAist (Mar 2024)
- ‘I don’t regret doing it all’: At-Home-Dad-Convention takes place in Milwaukee, CBS 58 Milwaukee (Sep 2023)
- The male loneliness epidemic and how it affects fathers, CNN (Sep 2023)
- How you can give dad a helping hand, QC Life/WBTV 3 CBS Charlotte (Sep 2023)
- Study: Fathers Have Evolved into More Than Dads, They’re Nurturers, Big Horn Basin Media (Jun 2023)
- Charlotte Dads Group Organizes Fathers Eve Event, WCCB Charlotte (Jun 2023)
- Fathers Eve Celebration of Fatherhood, Cincy Lifestyle (May 2023)
- Transitioning from Stay-at-Home Dad to Working Dad, Craft Parenting Podcast (May 2023)
- Why Children Need Nurturing Fathers, Wall Street Journal (Mar 2023)
- How Amar Lohana Redefined His Fatherhood and Tackled Transitions With Poise, Dad Central (Feb 2023)
- Austin Dads Group Connects Fathers to Friends, Austin Fit Magazine (Feb 2023)
- This is fatherhood: Crashing mom groups, managing rebellious teens and channelling your inner kid, CBC radio (Sept 2022)
- Nevada Governor Meets with Vegas Dads Group, KSNV Ch 3, (Sept 2022)
- Dads Don’t Babysit, Craft Parenting Podcast (Sept 2022)
- For many dads, the COVID pandemic brought new perspectives on fatherhood, NPR (Jun 2022)
- Kansas City dads connecting through Facebook page, WDAF Fox 4 (Jun 2022)
- Cincinnati Dads mark Fathers Eve with diaper drive, Cincy Lifestyles (Jun 2022)
- Is paternity leave the key to workplace equality?, Financial Times (Mar 2022)
- The stay-at-home dads who don’t stay at home, The Atlantic (Feb 2022)
- I’m A Stay-At-Home Dad Who Felt Like An Outsider At Playgroup. That Has To Change., HuffPost (Jan 2022)
- Why becoming a stay-at-home dad was the best decision I ever made, CNN (Jun 2021)
- How a local group unites stay-at-home dads, KSHB 43 Kansas City, (Jun 2021)
- Will COVID-19 accelerate stay-at-home dad trend, CNBC (May 2021)
- 15 Best Parenting Podcasts, Good Housekeeping (Nov 2020)
- Awareness of Men’s Health, Cincy Lifestyle (Nov 2020)
- How to Handle Separation Anxiety Meltdowns in Kids, New York Times (Aug 2020)
- Russian TV interview on Father’s Day, RTVI (June 2020)
- Team Dad: Local fathers find support from other areas, CBS58 – Milwaukee (June 2020)
- Top 30 Dad Podcasts You Must Follow in 2020, Feedspot (May 2020)
- 10 Best Podcasts for Fathers, Very Well Family (April 2020)
- Making Friends as an Adult Can Be Hard—But There’s an App for That, Real Simple (Feb 2020)
- Building Community for Orlando Dads, The Orlando Life (Feb 2020)
- 15 Top Father RSS Feeds to Follow in 2020, EZToolset.com (Jan 2020)
- Let’s Talk: Stay-at-Home Dads, Tamron Hall Show (Dec 2019)
- Keep It Together: NYC’s Best Parenting Groups, Red Tricycle (Sept 2019)
- More American Men Clamor for Paternity Leave, MarketWatch (July 2019)
- Survival tips for different types of dads on Father’s Day, Good Morning America (June 2019)
- Stay At Home Dads, Reuters News (June 2019
- The Joys And Challenges Of Being A Stay At Home Dad, WGBH Boston (June 2019)
- Florida Dad Calls For Changing Tables In Men’s Restrooms, CBS 4 Miami (June 2019)
- Dads Celebrate More Changing Tables, Fox 5 Las Vegas (June 2019)
- Utah stay-at-home dad relishes role of Mr. Mom, organizes local ‘dads group,’ ABC News 4 – Salt Lake City (June 2019)
- The Importance of Dad This Father’s Day, WCBS-TV Ch. 2 (June 2019)
- Being a stay-at-home dad is on-trend — and ‘it’s amazing,’ amNewYork (June 2019)
- A Toast to Dads, Minnesota Parents (June 2019)
- Who You Gonna Call?, The Tablet (June 2019)
- Appreciating Stay-at-Home Dads, Cincy Lifestyle (June 2019)
- Local Dad Bosses: Meet Josh Bellish, KGW8 (June 2019)
- Fresno Dads Group Hosts “Fathers Eve” event, YourCentralValley.com (June 2019)
- A Toast to Dads, Minnesota Parents (June 2019)
- Our Favorite Podcasts–For & By Dads, Simplecast (May 2019)
- City Dads Group Supports Dads On Their Fatherhood Journey, New York Baby Show (May 2019)
- Las Vegas dad starts group for local stay-at-home dads, KTNV 13 Las Vegas (May 2019)
- 12 Essential Parenting Podcasts For Parents Without Any Free Time, Fatherly (May 2019)
- Rain or shine, local organization gets outside to support dads, WBNS 10 Columbus, Ohio (April 2019)
- The New Dad Handbook, New York Baby Magazine (April 2019)
- Stay-at-home dads are finding out parenting is hard, NY Post (April 2019)
- 5 Good Minutes: Redefining what it means to be a father, WBTV Charlotte (April 2019)
- They’re Changing What It Means to be a Man, Upworthy (March 2019)
- Stay-at-Home Dads on Bucking All of the Stereotypes, CharlotteFive (March 2019)
- Family Guy, University of Central Florida Today (June 2018)
- Real Superheroes: Meet These Stay-at-Home Dads, WFAA Ch. 8 Dallas (June 2018)
- Morning Joe Celebrating Fathers with the KC Dads Group, KCTV5 (June 2018)
- Support Groups for Dads, WBTV3 Charlotte (June 2018)
- Stay-at-Home Fathers Unite, Cincy Lifestyle – WCPO 9 (June 2018)
- The Incredibles 2 Wants To Turn Stay-At-Home Dads Into Superheroes, Refinery29 (June 2018)
- How To Dress Like a Dad, CBS Sunday Morning (June 2018)
- Six Keys to a Great Parenting Partnership, New York Family (Apr 2018)
- Fatherhood and Work-Life Balance, Talking to Teens podcast (Apr 2018)
- Finding Dad Friends, A Child Grows in Brooklyn (Mar 2018)
- The 13 Best Podcasts For Dads Interested In Art, Science, Engineering, And Sandwiches, Fatherly (Mar 2018)
- 11 Great Parenting Podcasts to Listen to This Year, Make It Better (Mar 2018)
- Five Best Websites for Rad Dads, Wilderdad (Feb 2018)
- Enterprising Parents Address Family Needs, Comstock’s magazine (Feb 2018)
- Find Time to Spend an Extra Half Hour with the Kids, Moneyish (Jan 2018)
- A Couple of Dads Who Are Staking a Claim in the Parenting World, The Huffington Post (Sept 2017)
- We need to start giving dads the credit they deserve, ATTN:Video (Aug 2017)
- How These Fathers Formed a Thriving Community for Stay at Home Dads, Fatherly (August 2017)
- In Providence, ‘working to build the community of dads,’ Providence Journal (June 2017)
- Stay-at-Home Dads Need to Put These Resources in Their Arsenal, The Penny Hoarder (June 2017)
- Pioneering stay-at-home dad, Thrive Global (May 2017)
- Parental Pressure: Stay-at-home dads, KVUE – Austin, TX (May 2017)
- Pioneering stay-at-home dad, Wharton Business Radio (May 2017)
- Dads are wired to ‘mother’ too, NewsWorks (May 2017)
- It Can Be Rough for Stay-At-Home Dads in Charlotte, Charlotte Agenda (April 2017)
- What to Do if Your Kid is a Picky Eater, WCCO-TV (March 2017)
- Mind the Diaper Gap, Stanford Social Innovation Review (Nov 2016)
- Cooper Hewitt Museum: A Mommy-and-Me Hotspot, NY Times (Nov 2016)
- 5 Podcasts on Parenting You Don’t Want to Miss, WubbaNub (Oct 2016)
- These Stay-at-Home Dads Are Smarter Than You, NY Post (Oct 2016)
- Keep Your Child Safe in the Car, WCCB Charlotte, N.C., (Sept 2016)
- Bedtime should be the same time year round, Chicago Tribune (July 2016)
- Daddy Bloggers, Fox5NY (July 2016)
- 11 Parenting Podcasts Worth Checking Out, Washington Post (June 2016)
- Father’s Day is for Kids; Father’s Eve is for Men, Twin Cities.com/Pioneer Press (June 2016)
- How Today’s Dad is Sparking a Quiet Revolution in Parenting, New York Daily News (June 2016)
- The welcomed responsibility, benefits of being an involved father, WGN-TV Chicago (June 2016)
- Kirkland Dad Starts Support Group, South County (Mo.) Times (June 2016)
- Meet the Modern Dad: Hands-on and Clued-in, Chicago Tribune (June 2016)
- How American Men are Redefining Masculinity, Vice (June 2016)
- Definition of fatherhood changing perception, Poughkeepsie Journal (May 2016)
- Dads in the City, Mom-Mentum (May 2016)
- Smart, Thoughtful Pieces About Parenting Older Kids, Chicago Now (May 2016)
- Papa Circle to Expand in United States, FQ Japan Online (May 2016)
- It’s a Dad, Dad World, New York Family (May 2016)
- More Dads Want to Stay at Home, Pavement Pieces (April 2016)
- DFW Family Expo raises funds for Ronald McDonald House, DFW Fox 4 (April 2016)
- The Fatherhood Perspective, New York Family (Feb 2016)
- Play dates with the kids? This group is for dads only, Fox 28 Columbus (Feb 2016)
- Dad Duty: Dallas Dads Show Their Kids How to Have Fun, CW33-DFW (Feb 2016)
- Best Parenting Podcast of 2015, Healthline (January 2016)
- Celebrate International Babywearing Week with these proud baby-toting papas!, Today.com Parents (Oct 2015)
- Cleveland Dads Navigating Parenthood Together, WKYC Ch. 3 (Oct 2015)
- Having the Conversation No One is Having, The Good Men Project (Sept 2015)
- 19 Notable Podcasts About Parenting, Mental Floss (July 2015)
- New Roles for Today’s Fathers, Fox 5 NY (June 2015)
- What’s It Like to be a Stay-at-Home Dad, Today show (June 2015)
- The Ages and Stages of Fatherhood, Huffington Post (June 2015)
- Modern Fatherhood, Waxahachie Now (June 2015)
- City Dads Group Creates an Enlightening Space for Parental Discussions, (TrendHunter, May 2015)
- Study: Fathers involved at home happier at work (May 2015)
- A Father’s Place, The Economist (May 2015)
- Guys Want It All, Too (LA Dads Group), Cosmopolitan (Apr 2015)
- How I Started My Own Dad Club, Twiniversity (Apr 2015)
- What’s wrong with “Amazon Family?” Dads take on “Amazon Mom,” Washington Post (Mar 2015)
- Amazon Mom creates backlash, WPIX-NY (Mar 2015)
- Dad bloggers rewrite rules of fatherhood, Mercury News (Mar 2015)
- Could Paternity Leave Policies Close the Wage Gap, Fast Company (Feb 2015)
- Daddy Duty, CBS This Morning (Feb 2015)
- ‘The Slap’ asks: Is it ever OK to discipline someone else’s child?, Today Show (Feb 2015)
- Jay Cutler/Kristin Cavallari parenting texts, ABC Nightline (Feb 2015)
- Inside the Bay Area with the SF Dads Group, Red Tricyle (Feb 2015)
- When Should Girls Start Wearing Makeup, WPIX 11 NYC (Jan 2015)
- Chicago’s stay-at-home dads form group to branch out, Fox 32 (Dec 2014)
- U.N. Foundation: Why #GivingTuesday’s Impact is Bigger Than One, Affect Magazine (Dec 2014)
- Philly Groups Ask For Support on ‘Giving Tuesday,’ Metro – Philadelphia (Dec 2014)
- The Brotherhood of the Stay-at-Home Dad, New York Times (Nov 2014)
- Joining the NYC Dads Group, Huffington Post (Nov 2014)
- Ready or Not: Two Parent Groups Discuss Year One, New York Family (Nov 2014)
- Why Dads Matter, According To Their Biggest Fans, Huffington Post (Oct 2014)
- Dads strap on babies, take to trails, Indy Star (Oct 2014)
- Men of the House: Stay-Home Dads Are on the Rise, NY City Lens (Oct 2014)
- What’s Even Better Than a Great Dad? A Great Baby-Wearing Dad!, Good Men Project (Oct 2014)
- Dads group celebrates International Babywearing Week, China Daily (Oct 2014)
- Not Just an Activity Group for Bay Area Fathers, SF Examiner (Aug 2014)
- Boston fathers’ group grows, The Boston Globe (July 2014)
- ‘It makes me super proud’: A look inside the life of a stay-at-home dad, The Today Show (June 2014)
- Do Father’s Day cards that portray dad as an incompetent boob reflect today’s fathers?, Washington Post (June 2014)
- Organizer Spotlight, Father’s Day Edition: City Dads Group, blog.meetup.com (June 2014)
- 5 ways today’s dads are changing the face of fatherhood, Today.com (June 2014)
- Redefining Fatherhood: What it Means to ‘Be a Man’ Today, Today.com (June 2014)
- Fewer Stay At Home Dads in US, Study Finds, CBS News (June 2014)
- Devoted Dads, New York Parenting (June 2014)
- Doting Dads, MyFox5 (June 2014)
- Stay-At-Home Dads Move Past Stereotypes All Parenting (June 2014)
- Five Big Truths About Fathers, New York Family Magazine (Apr 2014)
- Dads Share Thrifty Tips, WPVI-6ABC (Apr 2014)
- Calling All Dads, Reading (PA) Eagle (Apr 2014)
- Stay-at-Home Dads: Do They Make Better Parents Than Moms? “Bethenny” Show (Jan 2014)
- Daddy Track: The Case for Paternity Leave, The Atlantic (Jan/Feb 2014)
- NYC Dads Group Discusses Support for Parents, NY1 News (Jan 2014)
- Breaking Dad: The Life of a Stay-at-Home Father, GQ Magazine (Oct 2013)
- Modern Dads More Engaged in Child Rearing, Voice of America (Oct 2013)
- Parenting Advice for the 21st Century Dads, Pregnancy Corner (Sept 2013)
- Over-the-Top Pops, New York Daily News (Jul 2013)
- Do You Need to Send Dad to Bootcamp? on “Katie,” “Katie Couric” Show (Jun 2013)
- Interview with Katie Couric (Katie’s Take): Daddy BootCamp, Yahoo.com (Jun 2013)
- NYC Dads Group Serves as ‘Dadternity’ for Fathers, CBS News (Jun 2013)
- At-Home Fathers Joining Forces and Shattering Stigmas, CBSNews.com (Jun 2013)
- How Dads Are Dealing With Work-Life Balance, Care.com (Jun 2013)
- In the Trenches: Lessons from New Dad Boot Camp, New York Family Magazine (Jun 2013)
- To Birth & Beyond: Prenatal and Post-Natal Resources, NY Family Magazine (Apr 2013)
- At-Home Dads Make Parenting More of a ‘Guy’ Thing, The Wall Street Journal (Jan 2013)
- Why Mr. Mom is Dead, The Wall Street Journal (Jan 2013)
- New York City’s Cool Dads, Fox 5 News New York (Feb 2013)
- Stay-At-Home Dads Embrace the New Family Norm, TODAY SHOW (September 2012)
- Dads Are Taking Over as Full-Time Parents, The New York Times (August 2012)
- The Modern At-Home Dad, Working Mother.com (Jan 2013)
- Five Gifts Dads Really NEED for Father’s Day, Huffington Post (June 2012)
- In The Balance: Conversation Between Five Working Dads On Juggle Between Work And Home, New York Family Magazine (June 2012)
- Mr. Mom Era: Stay At Home Dads Doubled Over Last Decade, FOX News (June 2012)
- Spotlight on NYC Dads Group & New Dad Boot Camps, NY MetroParents (June 2012)
- More Men Choosing Kids Over Careers, CNN (April 2012)
- More Dads Staying Home With Their Kids, CNN (May 2012)
- Come Together: Creating a Great Parenting Partnership, New York Family Magazine (Mar 2012)
- The New Fatherhood: How Work-Flex Plays In, MomCorps NYC (Mar, 2012)
- Best Parenting Groups in NYC, Time Out New York: Kids (Jan, 2012)
- Behind Every Great Woman, as more women earn high-level corporate roles, more husbands are staying home, raising the kids, and changing the rules, BusinessWeek (Jan 2012)
- New Dad 101: Expectant Fathers Get First-Hand Experience, The Tribeca Trib (Dec, 2011)
- Real MeetUps in a Digital World, The Epoch Times (Nov, 2011)
- Dads On Duty: Boot Camp for New Dads, CBS News (Nov, 2011)
- ‘New York City Dads Group’ Trying To Wipe Out Stigma Of Being Stay-At-Home Father, CBS News (July, 2011)
- Mom’s the Word: Changing Role of Fathers, WPIX News ch. 11 (August, 2011)
- “PlayDate My Family” – Finding a PILF (Parent Id’ Like To Friend), Parenting Magazine: Early Years, (August, 2011)
- Dad in Charge: NYC Dads Group, NBC’s Moms & the City and a Dad named David (June 11)
- Bobblehead Dad – From Poker to Play Dates – Dads’ Evolving Roles, Jim Higley radio (June 11)
- Disrespected Diaper Dads Mum No More, NY Post (June 11)
- Shade: A Weapon Against Skin Cancer, Childhood Obesity, USA Today (June 11)
- Do Men Need To Act Like Women To Succeed As Fathers?, Forbes (Mar 11)
- Dads the Word: A Few of Our Favorite NYC Father Writers, New York Family Magazine (Mar 11)
- New Parent Groups in NYC, Time Out Kids: New York (Jan 11)
- Stay at Home Dads Face Rewards and Challenges, NBC’s Today Show (Jul 10)
- A Stay at Home Dads Group, Battery Park City’s The Broadsheet (Nov 10)
- Spotlight on NYC Dads Group, Fox 5 Good Day Street Talk (Aug 10)
- From Payday To Playdate: Whether By Choice or Because of the Recession, More Dads are Staying at Home with the Kids, NY Daily News (Jul 10)
- The Daddy Brain: Dad’s Hormones Change Too, During Pregnancy, USA Today (Jun 10)
- Moving Beyond “Mr. Mom,”, New York Family (Jun 10)
- You Da Man Mr. Mom, New York Post (Jun 10)
- A Unique Group of Stay At Home Dads, Good Day New York (Jun 10)
- Meet the Modern Dad: a 21st Century Pop, BabyTalk/Parenting Magazine (Jun 10)
- Playdates With Other People’s Husbands, Babble (Jun 10)
- House Father, M’aariv Israel Newspaper (Oct 10)
- What Does It Mean To Be A Dad?: Father’s Day 2010, ABC World news with Dianne Sawyer (Jun 10)
- Life Keeps Getting Better and Better, Tribeca Citizen (May 10)
- Papai, eu Quero mamar (Nurse Me, Dad), Brazil’s TPM Magazine (Mar 10)
- The Status of Men, Al Jazeera English (Mar 10)
- A Stay at Home Dads Group, Parents TV (Jan 10)
- The New Face of Mr. Mom, Part #2, NBC’s Today Show (Jun 09)
- The New Face of Mr. Mom , Part #1, NBC’s Today Show (Jun 09)
- No More “Mr. Mom” – Shattering the Stereotypes, Fox Business News (Mar 09)
- Daddy & Me, Crain’s Business New York (Mar 09)
- Dads and the Family Dynamic, WPIX, channel 11 (Nov 09)