This week’s guest blog entry is from Rich F., who paints a picture with his words describing the latest venture of NYC Dads Group at City Treehouse:
Who knows what a toddler will have fun with? Should I buy a new toy when they will have fun playing with the empty cardboard box that the diapers were shipped in?
The City Treehouse is a unique space in Chelsea that was a nice change of venue for our kids. All of the kids (about a dozen at this event) really enjoyed playing on the enormous water table, once they overcame their awe of the fountain spurting up water in the middle of the table, creating a water mushroom.
The more clever men were able to coax their tykes into wearing a water poncho while most of the children (and their dads as well) became a little soaked as they worked their way along the three different sections of the water table. The first section was the lowest and probably the most popular section. The middle section had a spinning water display and a moveable maze for the floating objects (boats, rubber turtles, foam blocks, etc). The third section had two water guns and a paddle mobile for children to try to control with the guns. The dads seemed to get a kick out of shooting one another with the water pistols.
Once the children finished with the water table, they could climb up into the actual Treehouse and go down a wide and steep slide. Or they could crawl under the tree and explore the dark cave and light up the fiber optic lines or look through the sunroof to the top of the treehouse.
It definitely gave us all a chance to hang with other dads and talk while the kids played.
Afterwards some of us headed over to Madison Square Park to get lunch at the affordable and tasty Shake Shack. Wow, nothing like an extra thick burger and chocolate shake to fatten up my 2-year old son, Dylan. Another successful outing with the little guy…
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