Frequently, I get the question from moms, friends, & family – WHAT DO YOU GUYS TALK ABOUT AT YOUR DAD’S GROUP MEET UPS? In other words, are our conversations so different than that of the mom’s groups. To best answer this question, I asked a few of the dads in the group to share what they talk about during our weekly gatherings. Here is what some of them said….
“Sports, napping, if your child is sleeping through the night, parent & me classes, the latest iPhone app, hobbies, former employment, welcoming a new member, sharing a parenting frustration or success”
“You mean (what do we talk about) among us fellas, or with the distractingly attractive women who approach us at the park?”
“I think the range is WIDE, but since I seem to be meeting new dads at each event, I seem to talk about what people did before staying at home, or what are they doing (work wise) in addition to staying at home. I had a nice talk with a dad whose kid went through a medical procedure similar to my kid and we expressed our concerns and fears for that. I see dads ask other dads about what their kids are eating, drinking, etc. Sports is always there too.”
“we talk about sports, our children’s developments and milestones, and any issues that we may be having with regard to feedings (types of foods and recipes), naps (amount and duration), or our children’s developing personalities (tempers, etc.). i can’t say i’ve ever noticed too much political or current events discussions, but that could just be me. oh, another thing we occasionally discuss are our interactions with mom’s groups and the looks we get from the public (like the nannies) when we’re together. we also talk about our wives quite a bit and how they fit into the big picture.”
“I would say that we talk about which toys are good and techniques or best practices with child raising. We laugh at the funny things that our kids do or their reactions to new foods or feelings.”
“To be honest, I talk about the same stuff with you guys as I do with any other parents. It’s all about the babies. I guess the only thing we talk about in the group that I don’t with other parent groups or classes I go to is afterwards…when we talk about where to grab a bite or a drink on a hot day.”
“Part a: all the stuff guys talk about, sports,etc (although politics and anything controversial seems out), and part b: any thing that we face as parents, in particular things that some people have faced and others have not, like when you asked if I was ready for the third (child).”
“We dudes talk about where to grab a good slice after the meetups, Baby gear, and adventure stories of our personal day outings, like crazy people trying to touch your kid. “
So, are we that different than the mom’s groups?
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