First, let me say that I am a loyal subscriber and avid reader of Time Out New York: KIDS monthly magazine. In fact, I have been hooked on the Time Out brand ever since studying abroad in London in 1994, and using Time Out: London to catch some cool events and save some cash.
For this reason, as well as wanting to share our resource with other involved fathers looking to socialize and connect, the NYC Dads Group was excited to participate in the TONY Kids January/February 2011, Baby Issue. Basically, we are a caring community of dads of all stripes that enjoy spending quality time with our children.
Page 19 of the magazine provides the lead in: “Oh, baby! Now that your little one has made her big arrival, let the celebration begin. Get the lowdown on the best places to mark those important milestones—first pair of shoes! first restaurant outing!—helpful new-parent groups around the city, must-have gear and more.”
Page 26 provides the lead in to the wonderful article by Lambeth Hochwald spotlighting several New-parent groups in NYC. The article, JOIN THE CLUB: Seek out a new parents groups in New York City; Join one and your social calendar (and your babe’s) will be filled up in no time. Hochwald’s article includes nice spotlights on our NYC Dads Group, First Time Upper West Side Moms, Astoria Moms Group, our good friends at The Hudson River Park Mothers Group (aka HRP Mamas), and Baby Bites. The brief piece about our dynamic group includes a little history on how the group was formed, the type of events & activities we engage in with our kids, and of course, a few pictures of the dads having fun with their kids at The Little Gym of the Upper West Side. Huge props to TONY Kids for being so supportive and inclusive of fathers. We are most grateful! We’re also hopeful that the article will gently nudge a few dads to join our awesome group.
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