Am I surprised my son announced he is a Satanist after the behavior he exhibited as a youngster? At least he is showing conviction, right?
Raising a Boy Easier? Not If You Do It Right
Everyone tells me raising a boy is easier for a father. Then why are men’s mental health issues as prevalent as they are today?
Comic Book Heroes: Dad, Son with Autism, Create Series
The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse feature a superhero with autism, inspired by the illustrator’s son and his nightmares.
‘Coach Dad’ Learns Valuable Lesson By Letting Son Play
Being the coach of your son’s team is a dream of many a dad. It can be a nightmare without the proper expectations.
Obstacles Overcome By Father, Son Through Sports
When his son’s soccer career ended, this dad discovered new obstacles they could navigate through a running event.
Every Child Unique Even If Parents Remain The Same
Now matter how much you think you know about parenting after having your first child, the next kid always presents unique challenges.