I am progressive because I want my sons to grow up in a better world. When it comes to politics that means I lean toward compassion.
Our Kids Can Mend the World We Wrought
Whit Honea believes the children are the future, and they can’t lead the way fast enough.
Parents: Don’t Trump the Golden Rule
Eight years ago, we talked about the presidential election with so much excitement. All this Trump talk this season is making me sad.
Presidential Campaign 2016 and Its Effect on Kids
The most surreal, vitriolic presidential campaign of our lifetime is providing their political indoctrination. How will it affect their world view?
What Will Our Kids Do Without Newspapers?
Contemplative, unbiased newspapers have been replaced by social media and cable news that reinforce fiercely held beliefs, often at the expense of truth.
Kids and Politicians are Truly Alike
Kids may not be as universally reviled as politicians, but it’s a lot easier to laugh at their antics when they’re not yours. And the similarities don’t stop there.