Raising siblings is tough enough, but how do parents handle it if they have never contended with a big brother or little sister before?
new parents
Second Time At Fatherhood Off to Familiar Start
Worries about adding to his family melted away when this father drove his wife to the hospital for his second time shot at fatherhood.
Marketing to New Parents Can Create a Home Full of Unnecessary Baby Gear
The dirty little secret: Babies don’t need all of that technology and other stuff to have a good time. Don’t let marketing hype, guilt suck you in
Have You Become Your Mother (or Father)? A Spring Break Tornado Story
At certain times, we all tend to “become” our father or mother. For the author, a tornado temporarily turned him into a helicopter parent like his mother.
On Being President and First Dad of the United States
On this Election Day (and with the possibility of having the first mother as president), we quote our most recent presidents about fatherhood.
Parent at a Cocktail Party Sticks Out Like a Smelly Diaper
No longer used to having a conversation with people who don’t have young children? Let us help you avoid those people at your next social gathering.