City Dads Groups will join Dad 2.0 Summit, Life of Dad, the National At-Home Dad Network, and tens of thousands of other men across the country next month in growing mustaches for the cause of raising awareness and funds for men’s health issues.
men's health
Beating Testicular Cancer to Become a Dad is Possible
A member of our Chicago Dads Group, writes about beating testicular cancer, which is the most prevalent form of the cancer among males age 15 to 35.
ANNOUNCING: The Modern Dads Podcast presented by NYC Dads Group
We’re telling the stories of the dads that are not only involved in their children’s lives, but active and engaged in the decisions, the drudgery, the pain, and the joys of parenthood.
Talking To Our Sons about Testicular Cancer
I was walking this weekend with my family, and at one point, my wife and 7-year-old son were ahead of […]
The End of Movember, Norelco, Memories, and Bzzzzzzz
Some of my earliest childhood memories are of my time spent with my Dad in the mornings as he got ready for work.