My son gained confidence and learned responsibility by me teaching him to cook. He also learned the value of making mistakes.
Learning to Keep Your Children Motivated at School Critical
When your kids start to complain about a “boring” subject at school, showing empathy can help their motivation and learning.
Helping with Math Homework Benefits Parent as Well as Student
It is tempting to just do the math homework for her. But then I would be robbing her of so much and myself of a chance to teach her.
4 Ways to Parent Without Labels, With a Growth Mindset
Parents with a growth mindset “believe their children can achieve at higher levels — with effort, perseverance, and resiliency.”
Home is Not for Homework – Ban It!
Learning is everywhere, and there is as much education in baking, hiking or watching the tide roll in as there is in a packet of worksheets and the things gained by rote.
Queens Museum Will Amaze You and Your Kids
The Queens Museum is home an amazing scale model of New York City, and a showcase for many contemporary and modern artists.