Snowmen, skiers, the frostbitten – nothing warms them like a belly laugh courtesy the family-friendly winter dad jokes.
Thanksgiving Alone: A Respite for This Weary Parent
I’ll be spending this Thanksgiving alone this year. No travels, no family hassles, no overeating, a lot of peace. Yeah, I’ll survive.
Hersheypark Halloween Dark Nights: Family Fun Guide, Tips
Dark Nights, the Hersheypark Halloween experience, is all new for 2022. We have the scoop on scares, thrills and how to have a sweet time.
‘I’m Dreaming of a Brown Christmas’ in a Cool Audio Version
Need a break from summer swelter? Listen to an audio version of I’m Dreaming of a Brown Christmas, a book by a City Dads Group contributor.
Fourth of July Dad Jokes to Make Your Inde-Pun-Dence Day
Is there a better way to honor the Founding Fathers than by telling Fourth of July dad jokes? Probably. But just humor us.
Fathers Eve 2022 Wants to Improve Communities, Include Families
Fathers Eve, the annual event for dads to celebrate each other with each other, is back in 2022 with new twist.