Here is a quick list of fun activities around Chicagoland for Chicago Dads to get involved with their kids over […]
Merry Christmas from the Perspective of Growing up Jewish
Even though I’m Jewish, I find Christmas has some wonderful aspects to it that even those of us who don’t celebrate it can love and enjoy.
How We Celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah
Christmas time can be oppressive one for us Jews especially when we’re children. Here’s how I’m helping my child cope with it.
Life Beyond Parenting a Gift to Give Yourself this Year
Give yourself permission to find your identity beyond caregiver, both for yourself, and for your family. Discover your life beyond parenting.
An Inspired Dad
This morning was our NYC Dads Group’s 2nd annual holiday party extravaganza. Well, maybe “extravaganza” is a bit much – […]
Stuff Wars: Handling the Abundance of Gifts for Kids
I have a close friend that devotes an entire closet in their home for the storage of wrapped gifts for […]