The “parenting during war” lesson I’m trying to teach our four little children is that what you believe in is worth fighting for.
Feel Your Feelings to Be a Better Man, Dad
Sometimes we need to take a Dark Day to feel the feelings we are afraid or ashamed to show and experience in everyday living.
Introverted Teen? Upside to Not Being Life of the Party
Extroversion gets all the good press, but being an introverted teen has positives, too. The key: finding balance between the extremes.
Reclaim Your Life, Somewhat, When Your Kids Start School
I thought I’d be more upset about my kids going off to school. Instead, I’m trying to reclaim a bit of my life from before they were born.
Coping When Your Parenting World is on Fire
Parenting is rarely a smooth, uneventful journey. This dad looks for new ways of coping when raising kids gets challenging.
Kids Watching the News – Will It Help or Harm Them?
He once thought stopping kids from watching or hearing TV news sheltered them from reality. Then he became a father.