I’m teaching my sons and daughter to respect others, so don’t be a jerk and act like a tough guy when my boys come around your girls.
Raising a Tween Easier with This Awesome Advice
Raising a tween means paying more attention to your facial expressions. And getting him or her to take more showers.
Daddy, I Want Makeup So I Can Look Pretty!
Who told my child that to look pretty she needed lipstick, blush and other types of makeup? Toddler Cosmopolitan, perhaps?
Christmas Birthday a First, Joy for Grateful Father
Are children with a near-Christmas birthday short-changed when it comes to celebrations? Not at all, says this father.
Choose Your Own Adventure for Preserving Her Childhood
Be straightforward with your child about the realities of sexuality now or put it off? It’s a ‘choose your own adventure’ time for dad.
Daughters’ Confidence can Grow with Dads’ ‘Cover Letter’ Help
A new book by Kimberly Wolf aims to get dads and daughters on the same page — the cover letter page — to help girls gain confidence.