Did teaching my son that nothing is out of reach, regardless of his skin color, why the urgency of Black Lives Matter has waned in him?
Black Lives Matter
The Talk: What Will I Tell My Black Child About Race?
The Talk is a familiar rite of passage in Black families. It speaks volumes about systemic and generational dehumanization one race endures.
Teach Our Children Truth about Racism to Help the World Breathe
We have to teach our children that justice matters, to value all human lives.. We need to stop watching and start acting.
Disability Rights Movement Can Inform Today’s Parenting
Americans with Disabilities Acts turns 30 in 2020. Lessons can be learned from those who inspired naysayers to back disability rights.
Son Asks Dad: Should I Kneel for the National Anthem?
Freshman football player wonders whether he should kneel during the national anthem. Here’s how his dad helped him make up his mind.
Children Participate in Protest March? This Dad Says “Yes”
I was worried about bringing him to the protest march because of safety. However, not taking him would have been one of my biggest mistakes.