Can dad braid his daughter’s hair? He can with some professional help because real men can braid their daughter’s hair.
When my wife asked me to participate in a hair-braiding class with my daughter a few weeks ago, I have to admit I was a little nervous about it. I had never attempted to braid my daughter’s hair because I had no idea where to begin and my wife always did it.
Eventually, I realized it would be a fun bonding opportunity and I agreed to enroll in the class which was called “Real Men Can Braid.” It was put together by Cozy Friedman who runs Cozy’s Cuts, a great kids hair salon in Manhattan.
When I arrived at the class I was still a little tentative, but my daughter immediately assured me that she believed in me. And, that was really all I needed.
The “Real Men Can Braid” class was helpful and informative. We learned about detangling, making ponytails and braids, and even how to put hair up in a bun. Eventually, I gained a little confidence in the task.
The class was also filmed for CBS This Morning and I had a chance to speak to Elaine Quijano, the reporter assigned to the segment. I told her that, although I never envisioned myself in a salon braiding hair, modern dads step up in every other way, so why not this? Indeed, if I am capable of making breakfast, and doing the morning routine, and taking my children to school, aren’t I also capable of making a ponytail? All of these things are parent tasks, not mom tasks. I just needed a little guidance.
So, having shared all other parenting duties with my wife, my parental voyage proceeded toward this final frontier of hair braiding, a strange new world for me but a place to which I am sure many men will go boldly.
Photo: Chris McKee
Nice, man. I help with hair as much as I can. Although I would prefer if all my kids just got buzz cuts. One less thing to worry about.