There has not been a U.S. president to not be a father since Warren Harding. So in honor of this presidential Election Day (and the possibility of having the first mother as president), here are some quotes from our most recent presidents about fatherhood.

“I think the most important priority for a dad is to be a dad. In my case, I might have been slightly self-absorbed at times, but when I became a dad, I only had one real job and that was to provide for these little girls. Was I always successful? I don’t know. They can be the witnesses.” — George W. Bush

“During the sole argument we had when [Chelsea] was in high school, the subject of which I don’t even remember, I looked at her and said, ‘As long as you’re in this house, being president is my second most important job’” — Bill Clinton

“I think back to the day I drove Michelle and a newborn Malia home from the hospital nearly 13 years ago—crawling along, miles under the speed limit, feeling the weight of my daughter’s future resting in my hands. I think about the pledge I made to her that day: that I would give her what I never had—that if I could be anything in life, I would be a good father. I knew that day that my own life wouldn’t count for much unless she had every opportunity in hers.” — Barack Obama
A version of this first ran on Great Moments in Bad Parenting.
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