Becoming parents for the first time is a special moment that also comes with a number of uncertainties and fears, especially for dads. With this in mind, a parent class specifically implemented to prepare expectant fathers. Luz Plasencia of NY1 News, covered the story.
NY1 Noticias Reports: Support Classes Prepare Expectant Fathers
Editor’s note: Wondering what New Dad Boot Camp workshops are really like? We invited NY1 Noticias (Spanish version of popular local news station) reporter, Luz Plasencia, in for an exclusive tour. Below is the link to the segment and related transcript from the NY1 Noticias website using web-based translator tool (reads…there might be some translation errors).
Jose Santamaria and his wife are expecting their first child but meanwhile he practices in the workshop with another parents’ baby.
Santamaria attended this special class, a New Dad Boot Camp workshop aimed at men who will soon become parents for the first time.
“It’s a great experience and a great idea as you teach things that I could not have imagined before coming to the ‘bootcamp'” said Jose Santamaria.
The three-hour class is offered between 2-3 times a month at the Y on 92nd Street as well as other parent venues.
They are open to prospective fathers or new dads who want to learn from other men who are already parents and make the experience as real as possible.
“The opportunity to work with babies here with parents who are veterans. Not with dolls or doll babies, but live babies to touch them, to change the babies, diapers, to give them food, to hold babies” said Gilbert Ramos, instructor.
Training classes for parents was created a year ago by Lance Somerfeld & Matt Schneider who are home with their sons while their wife works.
Nearly four years ago Somerfeld created a support group for parents leaving their need to share with other parents who want to have an active part in raising their children.
“Avoid isolation and find a social group of friends with children with whom you can share your ideas, best practices and discuss the frustrations to be the best parent you can be,” said Lance Somerfeld.
These trainings have helped more than 1,000 parents in the area. Alexander Rogue said these classes have been very helpful even with his second baby.
“Learning new things, talking to other parents to see what they do in situations,” said Alexander Rogue.
And parents today seem to want to do more than change diapers and help mom.
“To have more time to do more things with the baby, the child is learning, teach all that may be possible during the time you are with child,” said Gilbert Ramos.
Upon completion of the (New Dad Boot Camp) training, prospective or new parents are not abandoned. They are invited to be part of the social support group for parents-NYC Dads Group.
“The dads group does everything from play dates in Central Park, visiting museums with our kids, taking parenting classes and education workshops to our fun and social, dads night out,” said Lance Somerfeld.
For more information on classes for expectant fathers or support groups please visit .
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