Get your upper lip ready, gents. Movember is back!
City Dads Groups will join Dad 2.0 Summit, Life of Dad, the National At-Home Dad Network, and tens of thousands of other men across the country next month in growing mustaches for the cause of raising awareness and funds for men’s health issues.
The Movember Foundation is the leading global organization committed to changing the face of men’s health. It challenges men to grow moustaches during November to spark conversation and raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and schizophrenia. Since starting in 2003, the organization has raised more than $559 million and help fund 770 men’s health projects, according to its website.
City Dads Group, in the form of its founding NYC Dads Group outpost, has raised more than $60,000 in direct donations and sponsorship matches in the past three years. See what we achieved just last year.
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