Toss your razor and shaving cream, gents — Movember 2018 is here.
November is “Movember” — “mo” being short for mustache. This is the month when men all over the world let their upper lips get fuzzy for the sake of bringing awareness to men’s health issues.
As it has done for the past several years, members of City Dads Group join three other father-friendly organizations to sprout whiskers under our noses to support the The Movember Foundation in its mission to promote awareness and raise money for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide prevention.
The Movember Foundation is a leading global organization committed to literally and figuratively changing the face of men’s health. It challenges men to grow mustaches (or, for the facial hair challenged — exercise daily) during the month to spark conversation and raise funds for research. Since starting in 2003, the organization has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to help fund more than 1,200 men’s health projects, according to its website. Its goal is to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25 percent.
+ + Join/donate to our Movember 2018 team + +
For Movember 2018, City Dads Groups is again creating a team of fundraising fathers with Life of Dad social network, Dad 2.0 Summit conference and The National At-Home Dad Network.
You can help us in several ways:
- Sign up and grow a mo’: Start by fulling shaving and then grow a mustache this month. Then join our team through our Movember 2018 page. Then go forward show off your whiskers to all, in person and on social media, and tell them why you are growing them.
- Get a move on: A few years ago, the Movember Foundation added exercise into its challenge. Instead of growing a ‘stache, join our team and log your exercise time on your profile, set goals for yourself, and track your progress.
- Donate/raise funds: In addition to raising awareness, raise some cash for the cause! Funds help organizations like The Prostate Cancer Foundation and go toward future campaigns and awareness programs.
City Dads Group, starting with its founding NYC Dads Group outpost in 2011, has raised more than $100,000 in direct donations and sponsorship matches in the past five years with our fellow #MovemberDads mustaches partners.
You can learn more about Movember 2018 and the men’s health causes it supports by checking out a few of these past Modern Dads Podcasts:
- Discussion of depression and other mental health issues with three City Dads Group members
- Interview with J.J. Owens, Movember Foundation director of development
- Interview with Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, founder of suicide prevention organization the Carson J. Spencer Foundation
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