Were you aware that, depending on the vehicle you drive, you may be part of a special “wave” club?
Motorcyclists have a certain wave when they pass each other. They kind of take one hand off the handlebar and drop it down to the side. Jeep drivers have a special wave they give to one another. It even has a hierarchy: The person with the less cool Jeep must initiate the Jeep wave. And if you drive a Jeep Liberty, don’t even think of waving to a regular Jeep. I’m certain of both these special vehicle waves because, in the past, I’ve owned them both.
I’ve also heard there’s a special wave for Corvette owners. Since I’ve never owned a Corvette and there’s no room for car seats in one anyway, it’s unlikely I will own one any time soon. I’ll just have to take someone’s word for it.
I think it would be cool for us minivan drivers to come up with our own special wave. I have a couple of ideas, but am also definitely open to suggestions.
My first special wave is just for male minivan drivers to give to one another. It is the scissor “snip-snip” motion with your index and middle fingers. The snip-snip symbolizes that if you have enough kids to fill a minivan, you probably need to schedule yourself a vasectomy. If applicable, the responding driver could motion back with two fingers in a V shape to convey the surgery has already taken place. Maybe the female version of this could be a mom crossing her fingers to other minivans as a symbol of having her tubes tied.
The only other special wave I can come up for minivan drivers is a covering of the ears motion. This, of course, would translate to “My kids are making me crazy!” The biggest problem I see with this is, each driver would have to take both hands off the wheel to wave to one another. This would be difficult, dangerous and involve needing to put down one’s cell phone.
Any other suggestions?
A version of this first appeared on Indy’s Child. Photo: © Romvy / Adobe Stock.
How about the love sign? The minivan is the only vehicle big enough to comfortably contain our family’s big love. It’s a greeting that doesn’t need to be gendered or judged, just love recognizing love on the highway of life.