Over the past beautiful weekend, our friends at New York Family Magazine presented the New York Baby Show on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20. The NY Baby Show has always embraced dads, and the NYC Dads Group specifically. We were honored to once again host this year’s DADS LOUNGE co-sponsored by HUGGIES, that was an amazing oasis among the high energy bustle of the show. Thousands of new & expectant parents flowed through the floors of the New York Baby Show so we made sure….The Dads Lounge was an inviting, engaging, and relaxing destination equipped with changing tables, gliders, couches, a flat screen, plenty of tables and chairs, and thanks to Huggies, fully stocked with diapers and wipes to keep moms, dads, and kids happy all weekend!
Throughout the weekend, we had thirty members of our group, facilitators from our New Dad Boot Camps, and some of our favorite bloggers, journalists, authors, and parenting experts join us in the dads lounge to share their experiences as caring, capable, and confident parents. Too many individuals to thank, but to name a few that were Hanging out with us are local legends like Great Moments in Bad Parenting, Your Stay at Home Dad, DaDaRocks, GayNYCDad, Skinned Knees in Short Pants, MaJenDome, and Sally Tannen (92Y Parent Center Coordinator. It was wonderful to see hundreds of expectant and new dads coming into the lounge (some flying solo and many with their wives/partners) asking questions, seeking advice, describing their nervousness, feeding their babies, changing babies, or just picking up a free pack of Huggies. Amusingly, the number one question asked at the dads lounge all weekend was from the wives, “Are we allowed in too?” Yes, all were welcome!
We were very proud that Huggies joined us to sponsor the Dads Lounge. Over the last few months, we have gotten to know the Huggies team and we are so happy to see that their new print and TV campaigns portray dads as we are– caring, capable, and confident.
Thanks again to New York Family and Huggies for your continued support!
And for those of you who missed the show, here is a preview from ABC News:
Sorry I missed it gents.
Great job NYC DADS!!!