Oren Miller, the man behind A Blogger and a Father and a good friend of City Dads Group, recently received a diagnosis of Stage 4 lung cancer. The cancer has spread to his liver and brain. The prognosis is not good.
Oren, who founded the popular Dad Bloggers Facebook group, wrote about the devastating news with unbelievable grace and – to properly use a word often tossed around when bloggers make online admissions – bravery in a post simply titled Cancer.
Several of Oren’s friends got together to try raise $5,000 to pay for him and his family to take a vacation together. The funds came in so fast and furious that the goal was raised to $10,000. Then $20,000. Now, it is at $30,000 and it has nearly been reached again as of this writing. Oren and his family say they will use the funds for that vacation, medical expenses and other family needs.
We encourage all of you who can to donate to the fundraiser for Oren and his family. If you need more convincing, here is a list of some of the many articles written about Oren by his blogging friends:
At Home Dad Matters – Oren’s Corner: A Bittersweet Dedication
Ay yo, Be a Father – Helping Others
Big Cheese Dad – A Chance to Pay it Forward
Dad and Buried – Help a Father Out
Daddy Doctrines – Helping Oren: Break the Bystander Effect
Dadmissions – Dads I admire
DadNCharge – The Power of People: Lifting up the Millers
Dadscribe – Once More…For Oren
Fit to be a Dad – When One of Our Own Needed Us, #Dads4Oren Came Running
Frank’s Place – Give a little – it means a lot
Ihopeiwinatoaster – A Post for Oren Miller
The Jack B – Father’s Day, Lurkers, and Other Thins that Matter
Joshua Wilner – Help Inigo Montoya Defeat His Greatest Nemesis
Life in the Fishbowl – My Father’s Day Wish
Nerd Icognito – A Sad Day for a Great Man
One Good Dad – Oren Miller: Champion of Fatherhood and Cancer Fighter
The Purposeful Pappy – Leaving a Legacy
Puzzling Posts – A bedtime story for adults: it’s easy to ask for help
Raising Sienna – A Groundbreakering Dad Blogger Needs Our Help
Scotchfully Yours – We Are All The MIllers
Stay At Home Punk – Sometimes, Even Superheroes Need Help
The Daddy Files – Of Time, Cancer, and Snapping Turtles
To My Son Tommy – Dads Don’t Need Help, Right?
Today.com Parents: Dad bloggers rally around father with terminal cancer
Note: This has been cross-posted at NYC Dads Group.
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