Editor’s note: The pitches from production companies wanting to do a docu-series or reality-style TV gig about stay-at-home dads has significantly increased. Not sure which production company will win the race (if any – we just don’t believe the life of an at-home dad is exciting enough to warrant a recurring TV show – maybe an engaging six minute news segment – unless they create unnecessary or negative drama). Either way, there are some dads out there raising their hands saying, “pick me, pick me” to participate in a reality TV show, and this guest blog post from NYC Dads Group member, John Scamardella, admits that he is willing to take the plunge. We just hope that the project is authentic, drama-free, and portrays fathers in a positive way. – L.S
John Scamardella is Your Stay At Home Dad. He has a three-year-old daughter, Anna and an eight-month-old son, Lucas.
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