The Dads in the Chicago Dads Group love taking in a good movie, a large portion of our Dad’s Night Out meetups are held at Chicago-area movie theaters. This week a bunch of our Dads had the opportunity to see the heavily anticipated Thor: Ragnarok. If their reactions are any signal this is one you won’t want to miss.
Here’s what our guys had to say:
David C. – This is a fun-filled action roller coaster with monsters dragons beasts heroes and villains. I loved the setting of a planet that reveres The Hulk like no one else could and Chris Hemsworth was channeling his inner Starlord with his witty use of comedy. The music was like another actor in the film, making you feel like the action is running through you nor just in front of you. This film rivals all the other Marvel films as the most re-watchable one in the franchise.
John L. – Great movie! I thoroughly enjoyed it From the CGI enhanced action scenes to the ample humor applied throughout, making the movie that much more lighthearted and enjoyable.
Stone A.- It was an enjoyable movie and a fun night. With my heritage, I’ve always been interested Nordic mythology and thought the interpretation was creative and well done. The actors were great and the action was a lot of fun to watch on the IMAX screen. The dialogue was witty and the end was unpredictable which I liked!
We are always doing outings like this it is a great way to get involved with other Dads just like you. If you would like to join us join our group here (it is free).
We’d also love to know what you thought about the movie leave your review in the comments below!
Great blog post!